Year Round Activities

Youth Council
FCERC Youth Council has been formed in order to spend time with friends and horses. By joining the Council you will also learn helpful skills needed to operate a business or non-profit. Working with horses is rewarding it helps you learn patience and conquer fears.

Hugging Horses
Everybody needs a hug once in a while. The horses at Full Circle give great hugs. They also appreciate receiving one from you.

Crafts & Fundraising
If you would like to share your creativity with Full Circle your generous donation of time and talent will help us raise much needed funds for both the horses and people that we serve.
Seasonal Activities

- Spring Cleaning
- Clean Paddock
- Spring Tune Up for Horses
- Shedding out horses
- Storing Winter Blankets
- Put away Heated Water Supplies
- New Volunteer Orientations
- Clean equipment

- Open House
- Horse Show
- Summer Sessions for Kids
- Youth Council BBQ
- Gardening
- Spokane VegFest

- Set up Heated Water Supplies
- New Gravel for Paddocks
- Annual Join the Circle Dinner
- Pull out the winter blankets

- Shovel paths for horses and animals
- Clean Paddock
- Keeping animals warm
- Surviving Winter
- Holiday for Horses Event
- Hearts for Horses Event